Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tests!!! >.<

konbawa minna!!! (good evening everyone- Japanese)
Tomorrow i have a lot of test and quizzes coming up!!! OMG OMG OMG I'm cramming everything!!! I'm so frustrated!!! But An Cafe songs help me be nyappy and calm down. ^^ I love An Cafe!!! Daisuke!!!大すき!!
I think that's how you spell it... O_O
Anyways, I'm auditioning for Cotton Candy Koubou, it's a fan dub, of Berryz Koubou. We audition, and we sing. ^^ YAY!!! wish me luck that I can get the part of Risako!!! Ok, I have to go review some of my notes, ja ne!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mii-chan's Depression

ohiyo minna!!!
Today is Sunday, also, I read some more about Miku of An Cafe's depression. It said he was taking medications and stuff. (Mii-chan is Miku's nickname) He also said that Cafekkos gave him strenght to fight on. I really hope it's like that because when I was depressed, (I still am) Miku's singing and An Cafe was the one who gave me strenght to fight back to my depression. Therefore, I really wish I can do the same to Mii-chan. I really hope that I can help him... Right now, I'm going to learn a lot of Japanese and send a letter by actually mailing it to Japan. Miku made us Cafekkos nyappy, and now it's our turn. ;)

Friday, September 4, 2009

OMG 4 more days!!!

OMG 4 more days until school starts!!! >.<
This sucks, I haven't finished enjoying my summer vacation... XD haha, lolz.
I'm listening to Arashi song, Everything, it's really wonderful, I know how to sing half of it, haha, lolz. After I finish learning Hiragana, I can sing Japanese songs. ^^
I got a new journal for writing this morning, I kept 7 journals ever since I was 8 and a half. =)
Now I can continue writing, collecting random things, learn Japanese, doodle, in my journal. It's with blank pages, just like I always wanted. ^^
Ok, now I'm off to create, haha. ^^
See ya!!! ;)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


hey guys, today is boring, but I'm planning to make it good, learn some Japanese, dance around to music, go on the swings at the park, watch TV, draw some manga, etc...
There's 5 days left of school!!!! *screams* Ugh, I really don't want to go to school, it's such a dread, esp when everyone at your school hates you. But, I'll do my best to make these last 5 days meaningful!!! NYAPPY!!! Today is a nice sunny day, it really brightens up my mood.
I wish I was in Japan right now, stalking Seto Koji. >=) haha, lolz, just joking. ^^ But I really like him a lot. =)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


hello everyone!!!
Today is a really nice, sunny, day. It's a pretty usual day, dance around to music, be weird and crazy, sing, go to the park, do weird things... ^^
haha, yes, I know, I'm really crazy. =)
Today I changed my blog a bit, and it looks wonderful!!!! Go check it out if u like ^-^
It's really light with a lot of colours, COLOURS, I LOVE COLOURS!!!
Also, today, I wrote a message to An Cafe, my favourite band, I hope they get it and reply back!!!