Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tests!!! >.<

konbawa minna!!! (good evening everyone- Japanese)
Tomorrow i have a lot of test and quizzes coming up!!! OMG OMG OMG I'm cramming everything!!! I'm so frustrated!!! But An Cafe songs help me be nyappy and calm down. ^^ I love An Cafe!!! Daisuke!!!大すき!!
I think that's how you spell it... O_O
Anyways, I'm auditioning for Cotton Candy Koubou, it's a fan dub, of Berryz Koubou. We audition, and we sing. ^^ YAY!!! wish me luck that I can get the part of Risako!!! Ok, I have to go review some of my notes, ja ne!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mii-chan's Depression

ohiyo minna!!!
Today is Sunday, also, I read some more about Miku of An Cafe's depression. It said he was taking medications and stuff. (Mii-chan is Miku's nickname) He also said that Cafekkos gave him strenght to fight on. I really hope it's like that because when I was depressed, (I still am) Miku's singing and An Cafe was the one who gave me strenght to fight back to my depression. Therefore, I really wish I can do the same to Mii-chan. I really hope that I can help him... Right now, I'm going to learn a lot of Japanese and send a letter by actually mailing it to Japan. Miku made us Cafekkos nyappy, and now it's our turn. ;)