Monday, August 9, 2010

Momosu changes

hey minna-san!!!
I just got the news yesterday that 3 important Morning Musume members are leaving...
1. Kamei Eri
2. JunJun
3. LinLin

It was announced at a concert with everyone in H!P and Tsuku just randomly came and announced it.... The 3 girls found out at the same time as everyone else... I think that's a little unfair... Anyways, the reason for Eri to leave is because of her skin disease. Her skin changes colours and that is causing a lot of trouble for her. So she's graduating to recover. As for Jun and Lin, they're going to China to focus on their "solo-careers" As in, they're going to have their singing career start in China first... cuz they came as forgien students when they first joined Momosu. Anyways, despite all this leaving and graduating, there is some good news:
Morning Musume is holding their 9th Gen Auditions
Can you believe that?? I am really shocked... Well, it kinda makes sense that with only 5 people in Momosu, their fans will be pretty mad. Ok, so i check the auditions website and it was all in Japanese (of course) but my friend translated for me and i could read some of the kenji so i understand it. I'm thinking of trying to audition... I really dont have the guts to..

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